Sergey Konenkov (1874-1971) – MalovMetaArt Online Digital Museum

Artist Sergey Konenkov – Visit the Metaverse of World Art MalovMetaArt!
Sergey Konenkov

Sergey Konenkov, a sculptor, was deeply influenced by his love for the working class and folk culture. He studied at prestigious art institutions and actively participated in the 1905 Russian revolution, creating artworks that celebrated revolutionary heroes. Konenkov's sculptures brought to life characters from Russian fairy tales, epics, and peasant beliefs, often carved from wood in the style of traditional folk craftsmen. He also explored themes inspired by antiquity, and music; he also created monumental and decorative panels.

After the October Revolution, Konenkov played a significant role in Lenin's plan for monumental propaganda, designing a memorial plaque for the Kremlin Wall. He spent many years abroad, producing portraits of notable figures including Lenin, Chaliapin, Gorky, Pavlov, Einstein, Dostoevsky, Pushkin, and Tolstoy. Upon returning to Moscow, he focused on portraying Soviet people, including scientists and collective farm workers, and contributed to monumental works in Petrozavodsk and Moscow. Konenkov's self-portrait expressed the idea of the Soviet artist as a creator of beauty and inspiration for the people. He devoted his later years to creating portraits of Lenin. Konenkov's work, which combined modernity and the rich traditions of Russian art, earned him widespread recognition.

The artist's portrait was reconstructed using Artificial Intelligence (AI).